Peyton - Future Top Model!

I'm sure many of you will remember this gorgeous girl from last year.  She's hard to forget with those luscious curly locks, her fabulous freckles and her mature beyond her years looks.  Yup, I got to play with Peyton again this year and it was, as always, SUCH a treat.  This girl is such a delight to be around, sharp as a tack, witty in spades and a BREEZE to photograph.  She makes it look so easy and effortless, which it isn't by the way, she just happens to be a complete natural!  We walked around downtown for a while trying to avoid the swarms of tourists and then headed to a slightly more remote spot for some sunlight and Vitamin D.   It was REALLY hard to narrow down some favorites for the sneak peek, but here's my final selection.  I think she's got everything she needs to start that modeling portfolio!  YAY!!! :)