Jay, Carolyn, Emily & Ollie

I am SOOOOO far behind on updating my blog and my website that I'm utterly and completely embarrassed by how long it's been since I've posted here, especially considering how I used to reliably and regularly post a new blog post every single week... Mea Culpa!!  Life has been crazy!!!  So, I'm going to do my best to catch up by starting with my most recent shoot and working backwards from there!  And this one is SUCH a gem!!!  I rarely get "new" families anymore because my calendar fills up so quickly with my long-established client base but every once in a while, some new family will find their way into my life and I'm just DELIGHTED beyond words that this particular family did.  Within about 5 minutes of the shoot I think I had gone through my pre-allotted usage of the amount of times one can use the words "OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!"... Seriously.  They are THAT cute.  Each and every one of them.  So stinking' cute.  I simply could not get enough of them.  I'm surprised they weren't completely weirded out by my instant infatuation.  And their quite palpable love, affection, comfort, ease, respect and adoration for each other coupled with such a solid foundation of respect and partnership just absolutely melted my heart.   I could not possibly have fallen in love with them any harder or faster than I did.   Emily and Ollie are 9 years apart but they might as well be soul-twins.... finishing each other's sentences, making the same silly face at the same time, always in perfect step and harmony together.  Jay & Carolyn, you two have raised two AMAZING young ladies.   I could go on and on but you all don't come here to read my words, you come here to see my pictures, SO, without further ado....
