Cassandra, Sabine & Zoe

I have been blessed with 10 years of adventure, controlled chaos, laughter and memories with this  vibrant family.   Every single shoot has involved exploration and a whole lot of "rolling with the punches."   So it's a really good thing we have such a comfort zone and a solid foundation of trust and understanding because we were faced with a whole lot of obstacles during this shoot!  And yet, the results would never indicate that we had any challenges at all.  Because we just KNOW each other and we just TRUSTED each other and the kids were completely oblivious to the fact that we had gale force winds that were making it nearly impossible to even WALK or TALK.  We were being massively pelted by sand, with the wind throwing us around like rag dolls and completely impossible to use a reflector without fear of being launched airborne....  It was kinda cray-cray.   And yet... isn't adventure what our most fond memories are based upon???

Jolene & Peter, thanks for just going with the flow and letting this shoot unfold despite the pandemonium.   We certainly created some memories that day!!!  Hopefully, these images bring a smile to your face.  We earned them.  :)
