I have long asserted that women are at their most radiant and powerful when they are pregnant, which isn't to say we all carry our pregnancies the same way. For example, during my first pregnancy I gained a million pounds and resembled a beached whale near the end... And on the other end of the spectrum you have the professional athletes and dancers, like my friend Kelli, who for the first half of her pregnancy basically looked like how I look after a BIG meal.... hahahaha. We kept asking her if she was SURE she was pregnant!? But, eventually, her little teeny tiny belly popped into a respectable preggo belly and we were able to get a pregnancy shoot in that showcases her incredible athleticism and grace right up until her due date. Her balance, strength and grace are mind blowing. I was in awe of what she able to do, not to mention that spinning barefoot on a rugged forest floor is not the easiest thing to do no matter the conditions. She makes it all look so effortless but that's years on end of training sustaining her. She was an absolute delight to photograph and such a trooper, even "crawling" up a hill to get to a spot I wanted. We were very pressed for time due to another commitment so we busted this shoot out ridiculously fast but I think we still managed to really capture Kelli doing what she is so passionate about and naturally gifted at. She moves like the wind and the ocean combined and it's always such a pleasure to watch her dance in our dance classes that we take together. I'm honored to have been able to take these images for her and can't wait to meet the new addition to the family! Love you Kelli! xoxoxo